Monday, November 7, 2011

游遍美国--美国旅游攻略--买车,学车,修车 转自mitbbs

先介绍一下我的车。2002年,Ford Taurus,4500刀,里程数48000 miles。我是第二年的买的车,直接起因是搬到一个离学校远的地方去住,每天坐公车要花一个小时才能到学校,而自己开车仅需要10分钟。当然,在美国没车不是不能活,但是生活品质会下降很多。


学车的过程比较迅速。实验室的张辉师兄带着我练车。连续一个星期,每天晚上一个小时,我很快就上路了。这里要推荐一下forest park里面MUNY后面的停车场,非常适合练车,警车经常停在那里,也很安全。第一次去考驾照,挂了,白人老爷爷给我指出了很多问题,我非常感激他。比如,换道的时候要扭头,拐弯的时候要贴内道,倒车的时候,头一直要看着后面。因为没有上过驾校,这些小细节没太注意。后来证明,这些细节实在是太重要了,随便哪个不注意都可能带来生命危险。


空调。夏天的时候,我的车的空调要很久才能制冷,无比的痛苦。后来去网上查了一下,大致总结起来有3种原因。第一,氟利昂压力不够。第二,漏液。第三,内部压缩机坏了。第三种情况只能找人修了,当然也有大牛自己换的,大家可以搜索一下。第二种情况要通过第一种情况去检测。就是说,你去充一罐氟利昂,如果几天之内又不出冷风了,基本上是可以认为漏液了。这时候要去买那种测试漏液的液体,它是带荧光。灌进去之后,用紫外光灯找,就可以找到漏的地方了。再用那种leak stop的东西封上。这个情况我没有遇到,也没有操作过,只是看到了这个流程。我怀疑我的车是第一种情况,就去了Autozone买氟利昂。氟利昂有两种,一种是没有氟的,型号是R134a,一种有氟的,这种一般是很旧的车里(before 2000)才会用的,并且这种制冷剂对环境有害,需要EHS certificated technician 才可以操作。幸运的是r134a是不需要的。一罐r134a带压力表大概30多,不带压力表10几块。把蓝色管子的表头接到低压口,测一下压力,如果低于表上的范围,就把瓶子倒置,打开瓶子上的阀门,把一罐全灌进去。测试和灌氟利昂的操作都可以在Youtube上面找到视频。灌完氟利昂以后,我的车的空调非常给力了。理论上是灌一次可以保10年。可是,每个空调都会或多或少的有点leak。所以,当你的空调不是in a good state,you should try to think about refilling the r134a。

Windshield Fluid. 就是雨刮喷出来洗窗子的液体。我以前听说这个refill还要花钱,后来发现只要去买一大桶自己弄就行了。有一个peak的蓝色的那个,5个qt才2刀。把前盖打开,找到那个上面画有雨刮的cap,打开,灌进去就结束了。


游遍美国--美国旅游攻略--United States 买衣服,买鞋,买隐形眼镜,网站个人分享


写日志的热情来源于 刚刚才晓得ZARA 米国E-SHOPPING 9月8号(?或者是7号?)即将开业,鼓掌鼓掌。想要preview ZARA ONLINE SHOPPING产品内容和网站形式的童鞋 移步FACEBOOK搜索ZARA主页,注册一下,6号邮箱就会收到神秘邮件,提前可以preview E-SHOPPING,不知道可不可以提前买.

ONLINE SHOPPING一般都会有CASH BACK. 有的会超过百分之十(如 www.evrewards.com是一个cash back的搜索引擎,可以自动比较各个网站cashback的多少和COUPON.顺便说下priceline.com是2%的cashback. 关于如何弄CASHBACK. 请移步

自己不喜欢很柔美的风格 所以关注的网站可能不是所有人都喜欢


1. 衣服


衣服属于街头风格。潮牌很多 比如wildfox, unif,minkpink,cheapmonday可惜模特太丑姿势很奇怪。


顺便说一下他家SALE幅度折扣很大,常常剩下XS.S码 比较适合中国人的体型。

可是, 模特真的好难看!!!!!!!



灰常满意他家退货退款的速度。买的时候要注意如果不是ASOS自己的品牌,可能美国本土网站要便宜很多。JUICY的DAYDREAMER在ASOS貌似两三百美金,可是在米国。。你懂得。。一百多一点就能搞定 款式还很多

如果有STUDENT ADVANTAGE卡,常年10%discount但是不包括SALE.

模特很好看!!!!!!一些牌子 比如EVIL TWIN神马的 还是ASOS的模特穿着好看啊。。。我一般在ASOS上看着好看 就会去KARMALOOP买同一款。。。。lol


不多说,太有名了。rumi neely就灰常粉她家

价格。。我觉得现在已经和ASOS差不多了。100美金以上FREE SHIPPING。有STUDENT ADVANTAGE的话有10%discount包括SALE.


没怎么买过,但是有米的可以去看一看。还有就是 我怎么觉得同样的东西他的定价就会比karmaloop.com高呢

不打折。没有COUPON。150以上FREE SHIPPING。有SALE.但是东西不多。有VINTAGE的东西在卖

其实说白了 他家东西一直都不多。

但是有很多能一眼看中的东西。很典型的欧美风。设计很独特。有时候别家都买完了,他家却还有。比如EVIL TWIN.

VINTAGE的东西在卖。我感觉有点像 买手的网站不晓得对不对

有很特别的东西。比如有次见过类似GOSSIP GIRL面的BLAIR在典礼穿的那件MARC JACOBS的礼服。神似。价格却灰常白菜。




价格和FOREVER21的定位差不多 现在95折


LOOKBOOK很好看。他旗下还有几个其他的网站都很好。有T BY ALEXANDER WANG还有VIVIENNE WESTWOOD(我拼对了么)但是好像没什么SALE。。可能是我没有太关注

一样,也是什么都有。可以INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING。因为有ALEXANDER WANG所以我很关心他家的更新。5月份有活动大概全场500减150还是100的样子。。冬季应该也有SALE 折扣差不多

有一些比较特别的东西,比如澳大利亚的街头品牌。SALE时候会有EXTRA 20% OFF

2.鞋子 和

米国最大众的两个牌子。经常在打折。所以不要再正价时候买。因为真的 过段时间就七折了。。。

这个网站150美金以上可以international free shipping


之前有个 带圆圆眼镜的小女孩(我记不得人名。。。) 设计的很神奇的鞋子。脚面会凸起来的那个。你懂得 我说的是哪双。。。 就有卖

还有LADY GAGA穿的鞋子。。也有卖。。

最主要的是 JEFFREY CAMPBELL基本上 所有款都有卖

顺便说一下JEFFREY CAMPBELL鞋型偏窄 而且类似DENMARK那样的底的鞋子、、、好像没有鞋底防滑

SALE很多 但是折扣码数都很少。。。但是!即是这样!还是灰常厉害的网站

cashback的比率各种多。。。US FREE 2-DAY SHIPPING。。所以很快就能拿到想要的鞋子。。SALE折扣很好很强大。。貌似是AMAZON旗下的网站。总之很强大,灰常强大


鞋子风格没有SOLESTRUCK.COM那么偏激 总是有好看精巧的鞋子

SALE要碰运气。运气好的话能捡到大便宜。例如有SAM ELDMAN(是这样拼的么)280得BOOTIE折到50多。。。于此同时其他的网站还在原价兜售。。

其实什么都卖,可是我只有买过鞋子。neiman marcus 旗下 卖过季的商品


之后接着就30%DISCOUNT 然后现在又25%了


常年高百分比CASHBACK和百分之20DISCOUNT和FREE SHIPPING, 牌子灰常多。。。。Dr.Martens之类的可以考虑在这买。。。

我还是又绕到他家来了。。 主要因为会有比较特别的鞋子 比如DR.MARTENS的豹纹加高跟特别款。而且经常有COUPON。


国内灰常多美瞳 芭比爱 MIMO之类的 但是质量都没有办法保证

如果买强生美瞳 直径14.2不是特别明显 颜色花纹也不是很多

所以可以再WALMART配美瞳,配之前要做一个视力检查(这个视力检查和配眼镜的视力检查是分开的) 没有INSURANCE大概要140美金左右 有INSURANCE COVER以后大约60美金,然后拿着开出来的那个东西(原谅我忘了他叫什么了 )可以再网站上买美瞳。。。。GOOGLE搜索之即可。貌似沃尔玛就可以配。。

国内眼镜基弧基本上是8.6, 有传言说8.4的比较舒服。。。但是自己没有戴过。国外的感觉一半对一半。。自己选择就可以。。。。比较知名的有个牌子叫freshlook. 直径14.5, 基弧有8.4, 8,6两种, 周抛或者半月抛。

其他的 美瞳差不多就都是直径14.0了。。。



Cover Letter & Resume 重点诠释 - 深度剖析

疯狂了改了三个星期的Resume和Cover Letter,吸取了各类资源和高人(行业,Career Center等)的意见之后。终于可以Debrief一下啦。仅供大家分享,挖掘过去,开创未来。网上有很多不同版本的这些信息,不过感觉都不是很Professional,或者太泛了。。所以这篇文章是用来填补其中的漏洞的,至于基本的,就不介绍了,很多人知道的,不知道的也可以自学。。。总体来说,Cover Letter和Resume就是问“So What”,你做了无数的事情,So what? 看你简历的人都是在问这些问题,回答好了这个问题,得到Interview就没有问题啦。


同时, 如果有兴趣, 可以看看我的另外一篇日志: 目标管理剖析与实践 – 献给追梦的人 (这篇文章的宏观意义远远大于这篇)

先讲讲Cover Letter:

目的:Win the interview (Not the job)


第一段:说明你为什么要申请这个职位,以及表明你已经跟公司里面的某个人谈过了(重要!这样人家不会认为你的Cover Letter是Spam)。通常的切入点是公司的培训,文化以及行业状况,工作性质等等(选择因人和工作而异)。Anyway,表现出下过一番功夫。

第二段:说明你为什么胜任职位。以Job Description为出发点,选出2-3点公司认为的重要的素质,加以阐述。特别重要的是!不要重复Resume里面提过的东西,要讲故事(但是要简洁,我下面会提到CL跟Resume不同之处),讲完故事问自己一句“So what”,说明这些故事经历对公司能有什么贡献。人家看了Resume再看CL不想浪费时间看到重复的东西。

第三段:谢谢,你的联系方式。并且说明你会Follow-up (重要!很多机会是Follow up出来的,而且人家看了会觉得第一你有诚意,真心想要这份工作)


1. 要知道标准格式!Professional Firm很看重Professional,如果自己很牛,但是做的东西不Pro,不要怪HR或者Manager不给机会。标准格式是什么?去Vault随便下一个Cover Letter Guide,看Sample,注意空格,空行,边距,字体,空白(空白很重要,原因?你一天工作18小时,结果让你看一张A4的纸上面全部是字。。。明白吧。。),以及电子签名。

2. 再次强调,Cover Letter写上跟Resume不同的东西

3. Cover Letter一定要很好的Tailor到每个公司,不然就是Spam,你知道Spam的下场吧

4. 将自己的Cover Letter拿给人家看,问问是不是很吸引眼球。修改CL是一个长期过程。


目的:Win the interview (Not the job)

结构:Contact --> Education --> Experience (篇幅一半) --> Activities (如果有两个Educations, 可以对应的放到Education下面) --> Skills



1. 日期写Graduation Date,不要写 XXX - Present

2. GPA,Major GPA,TOEFL,GMAT什么的,高就放,不高就省略。多少是高?GMAT 730+, GPA 3.5+

3. 学位,专业。。。。你知道的

Experience & Activities: 四个字:结果导向(量化)

相信大家做了很多事情,也学了很多东西,然后很想把他们都放到简历上面去。很多人会说我干了我在某个学生会干了很多事情,比如组织活动,策划等等。。或者实习中怎么怎么样了。。。It's OK, but so what? 所以,这里最关键的就是: Action leads to Results。什么是Result呢?看看公司的年报,他们都有自己的Key Performance Indicator,那就是Result。Investor关心的就是那些,他们不关心你中途干了多么Fancy的事情(虽然很重要)。这个道理对HR是同样的。如果你的Action只是Action,没有Result的,那意义就不大了。这里可以举点例子:

- 实习中:%的工作得到承认,Performance Assessment的评价系数,创造了多少收入,为XX部门提供了多少增长率,完成了%的年度指标。。。等等

- 学生会:Membership增长百分比(Marketing做的好不好的评价),Retention rate(人才培训做的好不好的指标),参加会议的人数(影响度),满意度(组织的成功度),Budget(规模)。。。。。反正一堆,关键是要有这个意识去想到这些。

- 然后就是参加各种比赛的得奖了。。(为什么大家喜欢得奖,因为奖项是对行动的证明。。但是多多发掘自己的过去,你也会发现即使没有奖项,你也完成了很多Result)

我相信说了这么多,大家悟性这么好,应该明白了。。看看你的简历,每句话是否有数字,是否有结果,没有?赶紧改哟:) 总体来说,Resume是一个悟性问题,以结果为导向,甚至可以让你在未来做事情的时候有一个清晰的目标,做事的时候更有效率,更有效能。。。。。避免酱油:)

Action words

- 强烈每句话的开头的Action Words都不一样!

- 每句话一定是Action words开头

- 针对申请职位需要的技能来设计Action words (附在了文章结尾)


不要写无关的Skill,不要写Office,即使你觉得你Excel用的很好,在Experience里面表现出来。比如用Excel做了Valuation Model, Scenario Analysis,Pivot Table等等。。。


其实CL和Resume就是一个认识自己,展望未来的过程。虽然整篇文章强调了Results-oriented,但是这并不代表有些事情跟Results没有直接关系就不去干。。。个人是不喜欢这种比较功利的思想,但是business is business。。。Anyway,Enjoy your life, enjoy job hunting!

附上Action Words List (真诚感谢Weston Career Center的分享!):

Finance/Accounting Terminology

Constructed multi-scenario financial models

Asset divestitures

Equity and debt financings

Analyzed the strategic rationale, risks, and potential synergies of ______

Deal value ranging from (x amount)

Due diligence ______

Surpassed revenue goals

Increased _____ portfolio revenue by _____%

Expanded ______ from _____ to _______

Prepared and analyzed ______

Supported Client Negotiations

Employed Multiple Parameters including……

Liquidity ratios

Capital structure

Profitability and projected growth

Accretion/dilution analysis

Instrumental in revenue and income growth of…….

Directed domestic and international affiliates

Financial and Strategic Planning

Auditing and Compliance

Operating and Working Capital

Merger and Acquisition Negotiations

Cash Flow Management and Modeling

Business Valuations

Developed rapport with interested clients

Streamlined quarterly review of consolidated financial statements by….

Created and maintained financial models to…

Managed risk analysis

Implemented operational changes in the reporting process

Sensitivity analysis

Assisted in maintaining ___% accuracy of…

Managed the financial restructuring of…

Maintained account financials and presented the information in weekly meetings

Planned, performed, and supervised external financial statements

Generated division’s income statement and balance sheet

Progressive lean accounting system

Reconciled company bank accounts

Managed all accounting including sales reports and profit margin control

Built model to calculate profitability of…

Owned and presented financial strategy and cost analysis of…project

Developed investment strategies for $x portfolio

Efficient frontier analysis

Secured $x in new business relationships

Increased revenue per client by x%

Marketing Terminology

Product management

Brand management

Initiated various promotional campaigns

Arranged and directed _______ marketing events

Brand Equity

Brand Extension

Brand Recognition


Guerrilla Marketing

Social Marketing

Skimming Pricing

Line Extension

Distribution channels

Market Segmentation

Multi-Channel Marketing

Penetration Pricing Strategy

Viral Marketing

Communications platform

Product portfolio management

Customer profile and needs

Brand extension analysis

Improved forecasting accuracy by over __%

Created customized product report templates

Conducted site walkthroughs with clients and prospects

Helped drive market share of primary products

Analyzed profitability ratios in X products

Reengineered product and client mix

Performed competitive analysis

Researched emerging category opportunity

Launched national campaign…

Coordinated and scheduled consumer event promotions

Conducted post promotional analysis

Coordinated packaging stimulus, sensory testing, and qualitative exit interviews for…

Analyzed sales and consumer data to asses product/category performance

Facilitated ideation sessions to produce 20 product and packaging ideas

Developed word-of-mouth strategy to increase sales by $x

Developed strategy to increase household penetration and raise consumer awareness for...

Led team of x analysts through landscape assessment and creative development process

Crafted primary research studies to determine insights among target audience

Quantified sales lift from national promotional campaign

Defined influencer segment for brand X to drive high ROI

Ensured successful execution of retail marketing initiatives

Managed national ads, direct mail and retail marketing campaign

Improved competitive positioning

Developed comprehensive marketing strategy for new product offering

Consulting Terminology

Created storyboard for …

Analyzed potential of entry into x market

Recommended a strategic course of action resulting in a $x opportunity

Analyzed and quantified…

Reviewed company-wide sales results and compiled for presentation at board meeting

Engineered modifications to…

Drafted distilled EIM outline for lay audience…

Researched and compiled materials for company-wide reference library

Demonstrated ability to maintain absolute integrity

Proven track record of being highly effective in collaborative environments

Demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and skills

Experienced in dealing with ambiguity

Demonstrated ability to be successful in high-pressure, high-stakes environment

Successfully navigated unfamiliar environment

Demonstrated proficiency in managing high-value client relationship

Proven track record of breaking down, structuring, and resolving ambiguous problems

Interviewed and elicited buy-in from wide array of client representatives

Improved communications and tracking of…

Spearheaded new and efficient methodology to…

Exhibited professional attitude

Proven track record of completing difficult projects on schedule

Accomplished Public Speaker

Skillfully communicated

Proven track record in selling new ideas

Conducted comprehensive research on….

Advised major global bank on strategic implementation of partnership with…

Performed due-diligence on existing product line


Developed a balanced scorecard


Developed pilot strategy for supply chain, working with client team

Change management

Enterprise resource planning

Total Quality Management

Value-based Management


Value migration

Process Mapping

Streamlined the creation of…

Performed profitability analysis of…

Led an information technology cross-functional team

Coordinated development of monthly corporate cost allocation reports

Facilitate the communication of audit results to company’s management

Documented all technical processes and procedures for…

Located, forecasted, and procured limited resources for…

Human Resources Terminology

Contributed effective strategies for screening and recruitment

Improved employee benefits program

Improved employee morale

Trained new or existing staff members

Improved employee retention and satisfaction

Initiated/developed a new HR policy

Coordinated Orientation and exit interviews

Acted as a liaison between union employees and management

Supervised new hire process (recruiting, interviewing, negotiating, orientating)

Maintained a turnover rate of less than __%

Delivered business related presentations to x employees

Provided logistics support, scheduling, training and coordination for…

Developed Excel model to quantify strength of succession plans

Presented workforce planning recommendations

Conducted and analyzed data from leadership interviews

Created database to monitor effectiveness of a $x annual sales program

Spearheaded system to track career path progression for…

Revised training program, resulting in % decrease in departmental turnover

Created developmental plans for team members

Administered $x retirement plan with over y participants

Increased overall employee investment plan participants by x% by instituting automatic enrollment program

Coached managers on employee performance issues

Prepared and presented benefits participation reports to senior management

Certified Benefits Professional

Certified Compensation Professional

GPHR (Global Professional in Human Resources)

Global Remuneration Professional

PHR (Professional in Human Resources)

Operations/Supply Chain Terminology

Analyzed the procurement system and recommended streamlining of suppliers

Restructured the…process to reduce time to market by x%

Reengineered the delivery system for…product, resulting in x% cost reduction

Certified Six Sigma Green/Black Belt professional

Managed inventory and ten warehouses with equipment valued at $x

Designed solution to address production bottleneck

Identified problem causing stock losses, proposed and implemented solution cutting monthly losses by x%

Effectively managed daily operations on production floor

Led cross-departmental multi-functional team

Managed site logistics for…

Managed store operations

Identified, analyzed, and prioritized production performance issues, resulting in x% imbalance correction

Developed and executed quality control procedures

Analyzed supply chain process improvement opportunities

Developed pilot supply chain strategy, demonstrating $x in value

Negotiated buy-in from senior management for business improvement project worth $x

Documented all technical processes and procedures for…

Located, forecasted, and procured limited resources for…

Process Mapping

Streamlined the creation of…

Led Process Improvement Project utilizing Six Sigma methodology to eliminate redundancy

Reduced delivery schedule for product x by two weeks and established standardized protocols

Kaizen Blitz program

Value stream mapping

Increasing capacity

Business process changes

Accelerated Improvement Workshops

Production Preparation Process

Directed Order Management Systems

Improved material flow through assembly operation by applying Lean and 6S principles

Worked with critical suppliers to reduce material non-conformance by 59%

Drove Supply Chain process improvement initiatives including demand planning and MRP system improvements

bing refer to a friend