言归正传,对于通常用五年完成Ph.D.,入学又在9月的同学来说,往往最后一年的助教或助研奖学金会在来美第六个年头报税。而绝大多数在美六年的学生,已经进入了报税居民(resident)的行列。操作上讲,需要用1040而不是非居民1040NR。我在报税前,请教了有相关经验的人,有人说用1040可以享受居民的5950减免,也有人说可以继续用1040NR享受5000的条约减免。本着认真负责的态度,我上网做了点功课,以下是政府IRS官网关于这个问题的解释的连接 http://www.irs.gov/publications/p519/ch09.html 。其中有一段的大意是中美treaty在resident的情况下可以继续有效,并且给出了操作方法和实例,下面引用部分关键句子。
“Some exceptions to the saving clause apply to all resident aliens (for example, under the U.S.-People's Republic of China treaty); others apply only to resident aliens who are not lawful permanent residents of the United States (green card holders).”
“Enter the amount for which treaty benefits are claimed in parentheses on Form 1040, line 21. Next to the amount write “Exempt income,” the name of the treaty country, and the treaty article that provides the exemption. On Form 1040, subtract this amount from your income to arrive at total income on Form 1040, line 22.”
“Mr. Yu, a citizen of the People's Republic of China, entered the United States as a nonresident alien student on January 1, 2008. He remained a nonresident alien through 2012 and was able to exclude his scholarship from U.S. tax in those years under Article 20 of the U.S.-People's Republic of China income tax treaty. On January 1, 2013, he became a resident alien under the substantial presence test because his stay in the United States exceeded 5 years. Even though Mr. Yu is now a resident alien, the provisions of Article 20 still apply because of the exception to the saving clause in paragraph 2 of the Protocol to the U.S.-People's Republic of China treaty dated April 30, 1984. Mr. Yu should submit Form W-9 and the required statement to the payor.”
附上 http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf 先
之前写过一篇五年内退税的详解 http://blog.renren.com/blog/224638329/711398086?bfrom=01020110200 。所以这次打算挑重点写。
7 写上 W2上的总数,比如17533.4
最关键的是第21项,左边写上 Except Income US-China treaty article 20c, 空格里填上5000,
22项就是7项-21项,比如12533.4,这是total income,这项也将用到MI-1040的第10项中。
我的 adjusted gross income 也是0,所以第37和38项继续12533.4
第40项我用的默认值,也就是5950. 假设你有股票房子贷款等可以用itemized deduction,如果数值大于5950.
42项是3800乘以6d(1), 也就是3800,
43项是41项-42项,比如2783.4. 至此才是你应该被征税的基数(相对于开始的17533.4少了太多)
62项和72项填上你预交的税,在w2上,比如1623.4 (坑爹)
73 和 74a项,填退税也就是 72项-61项,比如1344.39 (happy ending)
P.S. 首段纯属自我调侃,绝无冒犯他人之意。No conllict of interests, and open for discussion and questions.