Friday, July 4, 2014

游遍美国--美国旅游攻略--Acadia National Park & Bar Harbor简易攻略

住宿的话,由于决定的比较仓促,提前一周www.priceline.com酒店基本都满,只有一家Holiday Inn 还有房间, 不过不错,酒店靠海,风景很好。
第一天,早晨出发(或者凌晨出发到凯迪拉克山顶看日出,然后回酒店休整一下)中午到达Trenton bridge lobster pound吃龙虾(龙虾很不错,比波士顿的好吃,某些人因为没吃到第二顿很是失望,蒸的clam,味道很鲜),午饭后前往酒店收拾一下(在1 west Street 附近可以找到SIGHTSEEING TOUR ,网址是,可以网上订票)启程去凯迪拉克山顶看日落(快到顶的一个观景台Blue Hill Parking Lot朝西,是看日落的好地方,凯迪拉克山顶朝东,看日出的好地方)(这个网站可以查询日出和日落时间,如果是看日出的话,会碰到很多很多同行的车)回到BAR HARBOR 逛一下小镇(能走就走,酒店一般会有shuttle停车是个大问题)。。小镇跟Province Town差不多,但是某人说这儿小店没有Province Town的好
第二天,Bar Harbor downtown的Jordan’s Restaurant(‪‪80 Cottage St, Bar Harbor, ME ‪04609-1441)吃早饭,推荐blueberry 
pancake,以及omelet和blueberry muffin,牛肉汤也挺好喝。3天的旅程我们去吃了两次,真的很不错
然后出发去ACADIA公园,沿着Park Loop Road一直走每个景点都能停车,而且每一个景点都有很明显的标识,可以一直开到山顶,山顶有个大的停车场(Sand Beach,Thunder Hole,Otter Point,Little Hunters Beach,Jordan Pond,Cadillac Mountain)午饭在jordan pound解决 ,很多HIKING的路线,这个就很随意了,从VISITOR CENTOR或者酒店要张地图,随意选择路线(文章最下方是HIKING指南),晚饭在Mache Bistro解决(Bar Habor中餐馆金喜(China Joy)可供选择),随便在downtown找个小店也行,某人说餐馆招牌是个很大的麋鹿的那家也很不错。

CAFE THIS WAY !!!!  众人一致说比cheesecake factory ,olive garden好吃···超级棒的餐厅 环境好  某人说:服务生小哥很帅有木有  必去!!
Mache Bistro
Cuisines: Seafood, Mediterranean, French, Eclectic
‪‪135 Cottage St, Bar Harbor, ME ‪05609
Jordan Pond House Restaurant历史悠久,价格稍高,一种独特的面包(Popover),非常非常好吃,自治的冰淇淋,Lobster Stew
Park Loop Road, Near 12 miles south of main park entrance, Bar Harbor, ME
(207) 276-3316 ‎
Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound(绝对不能错过,很好找,就在路旁)
1237 Bar Harbor Road
Trenton, Maine 04605
‪1.   好吃的冰激凌
CJ's Big Dipper (还行,没有特别好吃)
150 Main Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609

2.Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company‪
1 West Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609
TrailDistanceDifficultyBegins AtDescription
Acadia Mtn2.5 / 4.0StrenuousArcadia Mtn Parking AreaViews of Somes Sound, steep descent to fire road
Bar Harbor Shore Path1.0 / 1.6Very EasyTown pier in Bar HarborHarbor and island view
Bar IslandVariesEasyBridge Street off West St in Bar HarborSand bar to forested island
Beech Mtn1.2 / 1.9ModerateFollow signs from Somesville to Beech MtnVista of Long Pond on the NW route
Beehive0.8 / 1.3Strenuous100 ft north of Sand Beach Parking AreaWoods to exposed cliffs
Bowl1.4 / 2.2Moderate100 ft north of Sand Beach Parking AreaForest to granite ledges and pond
Bubble Rock1.0 / 1.6ModerateBubble Parking AreaForest with occasional views, Jordan Pond view
Cadillac Mtn North Ridge4.4 / 7.0ModerateNorth Ridge Cadillac Parking AreaOpen ascent, Bar Harbor View
Cadillac Mtn South Ridge7.4 / 22.8Strenuous100 ft south of Blackwoods Campground entranceForest opening to gentle granite ascent
Cadillac Summit0.3 / 0.5Very EasyCadillac Summit Parking AreaPanoramic views of Frenchman Bay
Champlain Mtn (Beachcroft)2.4 / 3.8StrenuousNorth End of the Tarn (Rt 3)Rocky open slopes
Champlain Mtn (Bear Brook)2.2 / 3.6ModerateBear Brook Parking Area, 400 ft beyond Beaver Dam PondPine slope, vistas of Frenchman Bay
Dorr Mtn4.8 / 7.7StrenuousCanon Brook Parking Area (Rt 3)Forest to steep granite ascent
Gorham Mtn1.8 / 2.8ModerateGorham Mt Parking AreaForest opening to granite ascent
Great Head1.4 / 2.2ModerateEastern edge of Sand BeachSea cliffs
Jordan Pond Nature1.0 / 1.6Very EasyJordan Pond Parking AreaForest
Jordan Pond Shore3.3 / 4.3ModerateJordan Pond Parking Area
(not the restaurant parking area)
Follows Water's edge, rocky sections
Mansell Mtn2.0 / 3.2StrenuousSouth End of Long Pond (near Southwest Harbor)Rocky stairstep with Long Pond views
Most Carriage Roads
(see staff for info)
VariesModerateAccess at Jordan Pond, Bubble Pond, Eagle Lake, Brown Mtn Gatehouse, visitor center, or Parkman MtnVaries
Norumbega Mtn1.0 / 1.6StrenuousNorth of upper Haddock PondSteep ascent wooded summit
Ocean3.0 / 6.0Very EasySand Beach or Otter Point Parking AreaSand Beach to sea cliffs
Pemetic Mtn2.4 / 3.8StrenuousBubble Pond Parking AreaForest to Ocean and lake view
Precipice1.6 / 2.6StrenuousPrecipice Parking AreaExposed cliffs and ledges
Wonderland1.4 / 2.2Very Easy1 mile south of Seawall CampgroundForest to rocky shoreline

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